COVID-19 Resources


We want to be your number one resource when it comes to reopening your establishment. The hospitality industry is the most regulated industry and we already practice safety and hygiene procedures – we are the most prepared for this reopening. It is our responsibility to keep bars and restaurants clean and virus free. With this pandemic, we must take extra care to make sure we are on top of our game. Please review the recommendations from the CDC and below for procedures and guidelines to follow with your reopening.

We are all–owner, employee and guest alike—being tested in new ways. We need to be able to come together again, for the sake of being together and moving forward. Welcoming the guest, in the time of COVID-19, will require new thinking, trial-and-error and patience. Once open, hospitality businesses will begin, again, to offer the chance for connection and rest for the weary. These times call for thoughtful, strategic, practical and adaptable approaches to your business. Use these guidelines as a starting point and reach out to colleagues and the wide range of resources available through your professional associations and federal, state and local authorities.

Local County Health Department Updates

MLBA Ready to Reopen Resource Guide

COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan with Employee Training Requirements

Employee Health Screening Checklist

Handwashing Sign

Social Distancing Sign

Face Covering Sign

Delivery Door Sign

Contact Tracing Sign